Like a mother loves her kids

2 min readMar 18, 2024


Photo from pinterest

I love all my friends like a mother loves her kids.
I love them with all my heart.
I have this motherly affection towards them that I don’t think anyone can understand.
I’d be the shoulder you need to cry on.

I’d be there for you in the hard times and the happy ones.
I’d take your pain as mine and grief with you.
you got hurt? It hurts me.
I love all my friends with such passion that a mother loves her kids.
I love to see them go on in their life, achieve things and get their goals and be the proudest and happiest friend you’ll ever see.
I’d be that weird proud mom friend recording you achieve things in life. I’ll clap for you when no one else will.

I’ll stand with you even in the world goes against you.
I’d hold you to me when you need me the most.

I’d love you when you don’t love yourself. I’d be with you through the highs and the lows.
Because I love my friends like a mother loves her kids.
You befriended me? I’d protect you with my life.

I’d be there for you even when im hurting. Id forget about my pains to see that smile on your face. And I’d still be there for you if we’re as far apart as the north and the south.
I’d tear apart the earth if I have to only to see the smile that brights up your face and the light that shines in your eyes at the mention of something you love.
For all it takes me is to see you smile.
To see you smile after you just had a hard time.
To make you laugh after you’ve cried your heart out.
It only takes me your smile to forget about the hurt I’m facing.
To see you smile it makes me forget all my pain and sorrows.
Because I love all my friends like a mother loves her kids.
This motherly affection I hold towards my friends.

